We cater to those who want to increase their business with high quality and durable performance insulation systems. Our company produces and selects thermal insulation systems designed for new construction professionals and ideal for all those buildings that need concrete and effective energy savings, so that a more comfortable and healthy environment can be ensured, as well as a benefit for users.
Our flagship Insulators are all carefully chosen to function as a thermal padlock to the leaks of old or poorly shielded architecture and feature a high thermal and acoustic insulation coefficient, as well as a long service life. We have been distributing throughout the country since 2015 thanks to a specialized and constantly growing network of agents.
We know that choosing the right thermal insulation system for your home or building can be difficult. That’s why, we are committed to offering our customers maximum transparency, providing detailed information about our products and ensuring maximum durability guarantees and performance certifications.
We are aware of the environmental impact of materials used in the world of construction, so we offer environmentally friendly, or very sustainable, planet-friendly materials as an alternative without compromising the health of our planet.
Pafile is able to guarantee a minimum 10-year lifespan to its products, and if not, is ready to offer immediate service intervention to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.
i nostri prodotti
per sollicitudin ipsum, fermentum malesuada neque
Thermo Dry®
Eco sostenibilità
Protezione dal calore
La Fibra di Puro legno.
Elevato potere isolante, un lucchetto contro le dispersioni termiche per abbattere i consumi. Completamente naturale, legno al 100% ecologica e rinnovabile. Per dare vantaggio economico all’applicatore e all’utente finale.
Thermo R®
Eco sostenibilità
Protezione dal calore
Unica Densità super compatta.
Protegge tetti e pareti in modo unico sia in montagna che al mare e riduce i costi in bolletta. Traspirante, con una densità costante, è un pannello massiccio e robusto. È scelto da chi realizza progetti antincendio o quando si cercano prodotti non sintetici.
Eco sostenibilità
Protezione dal calore
Aerogel senza polvere.
Il pannello salvaspazio che ha cambiato il mondo degli isolanti. In pochi centimetri le prestazioni dei sintetici e dei fibrosi unite e potenziate.